Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ten Things

1. I read Mockingjay today. I cried about five times throughout. I shall not breathe a single spoiler, but it was amazing and you should read the series immediately. The rest of my life has been determined and I am at peace.

2. Life is simply complex. So are people. You should not allow yourself to be dissuaded from this fact.

3. I am going to have foot problems when I am an old lady. All the abuse I put my poor, aching feet through by running around wearing unsupportive flip-flops and flats or no shoes at all will one day take it's toll upon me as I sit on my porch swing, drinking lemonade reminiscing about the good old days. In a hideous pair of orthopedic tennis shoes.

4. I am a sucker for cake. It's up there on my ultimate weaknesses list (which is another post for another time). I simply cannot resist it.

5. I used to forget the numbers 5 and 15 when I counted. I have no idea why.

6. Distinctive laughs are like sprinkles. They enhance what was already sweet and beautiful.

7. <--- That's my favorite number right there. Say hello. Despite the rumors, he didn't really eat nine. It was just a friendly disagreement.

8. Is it just me, or do buttons beg to be pushed? Particularly the big red ones with big words like "DANGER" or "SELF DESTRUCT" ?

9. Are zebras black with white stripes, or white with black? I have always thought the latter.

10. That is all.

1 comment:

  1. 8. Is it just me, or do buttons beg to be pushed? Particularly the big red ones with big words like "DANGER" or "SELF DESTRUCT" ?

    No, no...i totally agree! Simply the worst temptation there is.....especially if the button is SHIIINY!!! 8-O
